The Detroit Driver App provides DPD Drivers with all the tools to respond to tow requests by alerting users with notifications and alarms so that way you do not miss out on business. This includes GPS Based Dispatching based on your location while your app is in the background, updating the status of the tow, and updating and enters in vehicle information. The Detroit Driver App allows DPD Drivers to accept or reject tow requests created by DPD Officers or other DPD personnel. After accepting, the app allows users to update the tow status until the vehicle is dropped off at the tow lot.The app allows users to take pictures and videos and enter in all necessary information about the vehicle. The app provides DPD personnel to track the status in real-time in GovTow as the driver updates the information.With these features and more, the Detroit Driver app provides all the functionality that DPD Drivers need to record and update all necessary information for DPD tows.This app is not a product of any govt entity.